Thursday 25 August 2016


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Wednesday, June 23, 2010




SUCH AS, for example- LEPRECHAUNS OR OTHER ADDRESSED NOCTURNAL creatures known to man being descendants of the created fallen angels.
in alignment unto exodus 17: 16. or such as leprechauns being, in reality, in this existence- DESCENDANTS OF FALLEN ANGELS.
Likewise, with strange abilities and POWERS .
such as making THEMSELVES INVISIBLE, for ensample- in order to work mischief and sometimes death amongst rebels to God throughout mankind in this existence.
in alignment unto humans who oppose 2nd kings 17; 25-37, matthew 17; verse 21 or jeremiah 29; 13.
REFERRED UNTO IN CHRISTIAN BIBLICAL SCRIPTURE. this website writer's first thesis entitled jacobs journals volume one, israel and the beast covers the in's and outs of such a subject appropriately .
for such beings ate of the tree of life in prior existences. which works itself into immortality.
forever. that is a subject appropriately explained upon this website.
Which 'forces we're restrained from 685 to 1685 a d. during christ's millenial reign on earth in this life with his saints.
as revelation 20: 1-10 ascertains.
why does the reader think that human beings reported so many sightings of were wolves and vampires during the years of 685 ad to 1685 ad?
in this life.
whereas their are few reports of such nocturnal creatures now?
obviously it is because spiritual wickedness did not possess power during the millenial reign of christ in this existence to intermingle with humans in this life in human form' in connection unto revelation 20: 1-10.
or matthew 28: 18.
for satan 'the chief of all fallen angels was locked up. during that time.
for, numerous evil spirits exist in this life.
yet such spirits we're not able to mobilise appropriately,.
during the millenial reign of jesus.
because satan was not guiding them.
satan was incarcerated from 685 to 1685 a d in this life. satan knows things which many evil spirits do not.
hence, satans incarceration prevented evil spirits from mobilizing during that time peiod.
yet many other evil spirits exist: which remained free to roam earth during the millenial reign of christ.
yet, once again,' they did not mobilize appropriately due unto the fact that satan was incarcerated during that time.
see revelation 20.
neither we're evil spirits able to take on a human appearance, when appearing to mortals, during 685 to 1685 a d.
in order to deceive mortals away from proper christian doctrine.
hence, when an evil spirit tried to intermingle with humanity, by manufacturing forbidden alchemical human superior fleshly partially human bodies in this life, during 685 to 1685 ad, their appearance was often that of a were wolf or vampire. or another nocturnal creature.
which humans address as creatures of darkness.
in connection to 2nd corinthians 11: 11-15 or 1st corinthians 10: 20-21.
so evil spirits would not interfere with christ's thousand year reign. on this planet in this existence.
rEGARDING ONE OF THREE THESIS'ES I MENTION AND REFER UNTO ON THIS WEBSITE'S SISTER WEBSITE. ADDRESSED AS If humans, in a monetary fashion' do not endorce those three thesis'es, for publication, in the fashion i instruct, on this website's sister website, just mentioned, then humanity as well as the earth are most certainly, presently- doomed.
For example.
such a question reflects genesis 11: 6-9 veridically.
ANYWAYS. to humanity today i do now state this; which is:
regarding a christian addressed scripture quoted as EPHESIANS 6: 10-12.
Spiritually 'appropriately tone 2nd peter 3: 15-17 in incorporeal alliance to c3q94 or c1q96 whole.' .
register truth. proper.
humans. regarding the following information addressed.
signed. the essence of c2q45 of the quatrains of my fathers servant. nostradamus.
London, Ontario
i am of average weight and height.
my profile is such.
cats eyes.
now, i address this letter in the following fashion. i present the following query's::
testing temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, twilightwaits.
London, Ontario, CANADA.
Hello, that is definitely the most surreal and thought provoking introduction I have ever read.
My question to you is can those questions truly be answered or are they really up to one's own interpretations. So please can you explain the answers to me, please.
London, Ontario
sweetie, the answer to every question i gave you in the prior letter i wrote - may be located in this address. bare patiently with it and you will understand the answers to such questions literally speaking.
enjoy this wonderful day .

twilightwaits 35M
London, Ontario
i am of average weight and height.
my profile is such.
cats eyes.
now, i address this letter in the following fashion. i present the following query's::
testing temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sen.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real mEmories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, twilightwaits.
testing temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
Related image
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
Related image
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
Related image
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
Related image
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
Related image
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
Related image
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
Related image
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
Related image
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unknown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for nowtesting temptations.
in logic.
does mankind do well to hearken to, as well as be obedient to logic, in every sense of the word, shall i say.?
by which factor, on that note addressed i will ask you this:
on a certain level of rational logic,
did you ever feel this existence and everything in it, is a literal reflection of a prior time?
long ago?
regarding a prior existence which did not calculate time?
de ja vu- in a mystery sense.
furthermore, here is another intriguing question:
in this existence, what is a mirror in all reality?
of a truth, molecularly speaking' a mirror gives molecular beings a reflection of terrestrial functions in this life.
yet, nevertheless, here 'perhaps' is an interesting question.
is it possible that 'in this life ' their magically exists a hidden element inside every mirror that conceals the real momories of who all terrestrial creatures we're literally speaking' in truth, in prior existences?
a feeling?
a spiritual hunch, perhaps.
are we, in this life, simply seeking life as well as the truth of other life forms as well as even prior existences in the wrong places?
what is behind all mirrors really in this life?
an esoteric trance?
what is the difference between a test as opposed to a temptation?
regarding intellectual levels of logic, in terrestrial life in this existence per-se so,
is one tempted to take a test to find out ones capacity to reason in this life, on levels or grades.
at various intervals.
such as an I Q test for example.
and 'if that statement is true, what literally does that prove or conceive 'in a rational consensus.?
another good question is as follows.
is a human being able to call back yesterday?
and make yesterday, into today?
to continue, regarding the mysteries of this existence.,
can a human being weigh the weight of 'fire.'?
measure sections of 'wind.?
how many fish have been born since humans recorded time in this existence?
can a servant answer the questions of a master in this existence?
do these questions spiritually make a servant desire a subservient nature in this existence ?
are good elements as well as good forces stronger then evil elements or evil forces in this existence humanity terrestrially dwells in 'in this existence?
is it possible to answer these enquiries in an earthly sense in this life?
these enquiries.
what sayest thou?
if you are able to answer these questions , please , do.
or, if you would like me to explain the answers simply write and ask me to do so.
signed, true sobriquet-coelus
why did sarah michelle gellar, alias buffy the vampire slayer- piss upon as well as possess a 2000 year old lover in this life, named angel?
why 'too' does that legend assert that buffy would have been destroyed by spiritual wickedness if angel did not apostate from evil?
why 'too' does the writer of such a story assert that such a story is based on legends.
what does an english dictionary say the word legend means? what is one of that words definitions?
truth. clear and simple.
such a show is based on non fiction. factually speaking.
unkown to most people.
yet i am ancient compared to the character 'angel' on a t v show addressed as buffy in this life.
as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus states in this life.
who am i , young lady? i am someone who can teach you more then you can contain in knowledge in this existence. clear and simple.
as my website entitled teaches.
pay attention. you may learn something.
when oppurtunity knocks 'regarding rarities' which i uniquely am, by the way, then silly women like you do not proudly mock me. understand that statement clearly.
lest my whip eventually strike you. in this existence or some existence following this one. you have no idea who i am, young lady. yet, i can help you, if you listen. clear and simple. and straight to the point of truth.
only fools arrogantly do not answer when sacred rarities knock.
yet, that is your decision in this life.
anyways, regarding this mortal day, at least, may it be a gabby fabulous one for you, at least.
enjoy my website-
toodle loo for now
the real key is what is addressed in my second last journal attached to such a site.

circularized in verbal clips.

trust me when i say that the answer is simple if you just flow into my words 'which i address in such a post.

tune in your sweet thinking cap-young lady!

have fun-girl.

with the rational logic i address within such a site.

i know my website can be a little intense, but trust me, when i say that there is life in my website.,..

to reach life, sometimes humans must go through a little- bit of distress.

to reach light.

shall i say.

yet i make my website fun to read. whether people wish to hearken to rational logic or not.

shall i say.

which is a truth which is 'especially addressed in the second last post addressed on such a site.

to reach that post go to 'blog archive' on the front page of such a site.

then go to the year 2010.

then go to the month of june. then, scroll. and "bingo-voila"young lady!

there it is!

yet, for the record- i admit to you that, much of this existence is based on 'deja vu, in the functions of all beings who participated in prior existences.

which has much to do with the spiritual world, unseen by humans.

in this life.

which simply means that a mortal must be entirely in tuned to the spiritual world to experience the real true mysterious forces that dwell in this existence.

which also intertwines what is behind every mirror in this existence.

regarding one of the questions i asked of you .

note that

many forces in the spiritual world are not good though. they are dangerous.

quite so.

literally speaking.

so, often times this procedure-tuning into the spiritual world-i mean, unfortunately, is not wise for a mortal in this existence. or any existence a mortal dwells in, in fact.

unless a mortal observes various functions.

which i address 'for the majority' in a journal attached to my website called 'jimmy-joyfully.''

to reach that journal follow the same instructions addressed above.

so, for now, sweetie, note that, the preceding journals, located upon my website give indirect answers to the questions i made to you in my prior letter i wrote to you.

but nevertheless, for the record, allow me to say this.

which is.

in simple linquistics, in this life you have heard of einstein, right?

Einstein, in his theories on the space time continnumm in this life was positive that 'in a molecular sense, a mortal is able to call back yesterday.

in fact many mendacious humans have been toying with one another for the last 50 years with an altering of reality through various forms of modern technology.

it has to do with the time barrier which connects to the speed of sound.

calculations in einsteins theories invoke irrefutably that einstein gave the formula of time travel to the wrong people in this life presently in fact.

including terrorists.

and beings who conspire deceit in this life.

unfortunately certain beings do this, in this life, to hurt others, and keep themselves rich in this life.

then they hide the fact that they possess a time machine to give themselves glory and riches in this life while deceitfully using their time machine to prey on people they do not like, in this life. until, finally, their time machines find a way to hurt people they do not like in this life.

which led to a variety of disasters for certain people in this life.. including the destruction of the twin towers in new york city n.y.

so, sometimes it is not good to seek out certain things in this life for mortals.

for worry that such powers may end up in the wrong hands,.

unknown to most humans..

but i quess the point is this, my lady.

on such a question of calling back the day that has passed, in this life-

to call back for yourself 'the day that has passed in this life, simply go to einsteins notes on the speed of light in this existence.

which also thoroughly intertwines what scientists address as nanotechnology. presently. in scientific fields today.

in a very dangerous way.

humans today need to stay far away from nano technology.

it is not as harmless as it seems.

trust me.

yet, scientists today do not realize that due unto the fact that scientists do not appropriately monitor the spiritual world. in this life.

anyways, for the appropriate sake of record, those are the answers to 'at least' two of the questions i asked you.

in a molecular sense, anyways,-of course.

such inquiries do possess other rational logical solutions in a spiritual concensus which interlines terrestrial life in this existence.

yet, i address those functions in my website.

so, i will leave this letter, at that , for now..


p.s. i am on my way to a work site, so, please accept my humble apologies if this letter has any spelling errors. for i wrote it in haste.

and ignore my harsh writing sometimes in my site. , if you bare patiently with my site, you'll see that i did not want to write harshly, regarding various functions of my site, albeit, i was forced to write harshly due unto the fact that humanity today is way off base regarding the welfare of human life as well as the welfare of mother earth.

please keep that in mind when reading my website. 

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